A gal and 4 guys

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Woo Hoo, The Potty Train has left the station

We are finally on a roll with potty training in the Clark household...for those of you without kids yet, this is a big deal.
I spent all day at home yesterday and we happen to have a Saturday that is free to devote to this proccess. Hunter is catching on great, he has initiated going atleast 4 times and he hasn't fought me on going once an hour. I filled him full of water and sprite (he loved that) yesterday, so he would get the sensation a lot. So far today he has went like a pro.
My incentive to finally get it in gear was the fact he can go to school with me if he is "trained."
He will have to wear pull ups for a few times, but hey, he is atleast figuring the whole thing out!(Plus I am tired of buying diapers in two different sizes)
So the Clark's will be home this weekend if anyone wants to come say hi! I think we will hit Hollywood for a few good flicks!


  • I'm so jealous! Kendon has all the signs of being ready except actually getting it from his body to the toilet! :)

    By Blogger Just Me. . ., At 8:05 PM  

  • hooooray! it is such a big deal. and, each kid out of diapers is like a pay raise!

    By Blogger rebecca marie, At 9:19 AM  

  • hmm, weird---I think my last comment didn't post, but anyway, let us know how it went! I can't wait to hear.

    By Blogger Sarah, At 2:06 PM  

  • Kyna~That's where we were. I think it just finaly sank in.

    rm~ I can't wait to spend the extra moolah on me, oh yea wait I do have kids! ;-()

    Sarah~so far so good, just getting the poop there is a little harder, but he is trying!

    By Blogger Lori Ann, At 3:12 PM  

  • I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.
    Hope you are chugging along well with the potty train.
    I have been reading your blog for a little while and wanted to introduce myself. I found you on Jason's Big Barrel. From your site, I could see the "small, small world effect: a young man named Steve posted after you mentioned his town in Wyoming. Well, it turns out that Steve is a friend at UW of a friend of mine from Powell. We ARE all connected.
    I am J’s mom, I know the joys of raising boys, they are many!!
    I wish you well on the UP Railroad.

    By Blogger Carol, At 11:46 AM  

  • good luck!

    not looking forward it . . .

    By Blogger tabitha jane, At 12:40 PM  

  • Oh, I can't wait!! Living at Grammy's for the last year and then moving and all of that has made potty training rather...inconsistent. Soon and very soon, right??

    By Blogger Kristi, At 6:23 PM  

  • tabitha - it's not that bad, actually. i won't lie, it can be frustrating, but you get all these mini-celebrations all the time. and as a parent, there is nothing like seeing your child proud. it's awesome.

    By Blogger rebecca marie, At 10:24 AM  

  • How exciting Lori!! How old is he??

    By Blogger Jolene, At 1:45 AM  

  • melo-jo~ Hunter will be 3 in Nov. And since last Friday he is still going strong. BM's are bit harder to teach, but he is learning.
    RM~ Your right how it is such a big step in development for a child. We have had many happy potty dances lately.

    By Blogger Lori Ann, At 6:17 AM  

  • melo-jo~ Hunter will be 3 in Nov. And since last Friday he is still going strong. BM's are bit harder to teach, but he is learning.
    RM~ Your right how it is such a big step in development for a child. We have had many happy potty dances lately.

    By Blogger Lori Ann, At 6:17 AM  

  • melo-jo~ Hunter will be 3 in Nov. And since last Friday he is still going strong. BM's are bit harder to teach, but he is learning.
    RM~ Your right how it is such a big step in development for a child. We have had many happy potty dances lately.

    By Blogger Lori Ann, At 6:17 AM  

  • Lori,

    Congratulations!!!!!! The Potty train is one of the most labor intensive works to be done. The Potty train is one thing I don't miss as my 4 kids grow up!


    By Blogger Glen, At 8:32 AM  

  • Oh how I dreaded potty training. But, we got through it! Now I dread teen years - but we're making it! God is good!

    By Blogger Charlyn, At 8:20 AM  

  • Why is it that when you have a great philosophical blog you get 4 or 5 comments - but talk about potty training and you get 3 times that? Just wondering?
    We just discovered the best of potty training - have them move with their parents to another house. Our garbage can weighs less than 1/3 of its previous weight.

    By Blogger Glenn, At 12:56 PM  

  • maybe i just know i don't have the patience for it. that's why i don't have kids yet . . .

    By Blogger tabitha jane, At 10:53 AM  

  • Oh glory be! I remember the days when I had to buy diapers for both girls in different sizes...and then a third size for my own self! and having the last kid 'trained' you would think that diapers are a thing of the past...ooooh no, I can't sneeze or cough or laugh without....well you get the picture. And it's all downhill from here.

    By Blogger Pet-tree, At 12:25 PM  

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