The terrible, horrible, no good very bad week....
I wish I could move to Australia. (A quote from our oldest sons favorite book when he was 6.)
That is how I feel at this moment. Lets start at the begining... Monday, my 8 month old van decided to have huge problems, not the first, but second time since we have purchased said van.
That threw a monkey wrench into my monday morning plans, that meant that I would have to atleast wait 2 hours while we got a rental. Tuesday, van back. Wednesday, my second son a.k.a. Dennis the Menace, decided that one gallon container of peanut oil looked like apple juice. He tried to place it on the counter and it fell. He wasn't hurt, but the plastic container split, spilling oil all over the wood floor in the kitchen. After numerous buckets of hot water and dawn detergent it was soak up. You can still ice skate on part of the floor. Thursday after visiting a friend in the hospital, the boys and I were headed home. It was 5;30 on busy 122 & Stark. I saw that the left turn light was getting ready to be green, I pulled into the turning lane and met head on with a Bronco truck. He was turning left through stopped traffic. into the turn lane. Fortunatly we were all buckled up and in car seats. As the tow guy put it, ma'm, they will probably total you car. YES, it was all snarled and smashed in. I was one of those wrecks where people slow down and guak! Anyway, my wonderful friend came and got my children and took them home. Ron was just two blocks away and was there as soon as I called. I am so thankful that no one was injured, God was watching over us! Thank you God!
Well today is Friday and it can only go up, except now instead of christmas shopping, I will spend the morning talking to my nice (I mean this) insurance agent and setting up a rental!
As the story ends, I guess I won't move to Austraila after all!
That is how I feel at this moment. Lets start at the begining... Monday, my 8 month old van decided to have huge problems, not the first, but second time since we have purchased said van.
That threw a monkey wrench into my monday morning plans, that meant that I would have to atleast wait 2 hours while we got a rental. Tuesday, van back. Wednesday, my second son a.k.a. Dennis the Menace, decided that one gallon container of peanut oil looked like apple juice. He tried to place it on the counter and it fell. He wasn't hurt, but the plastic container split, spilling oil all over the wood floor in the kitchen. After numerous buckets of hot water and dawn detergent it was soak up. You can still ice skate on part of the floor. Thursday after visiting a friend in the hospital, the boys and I were headed home. It was 5;30 on busy 122 & Stark. I saw that the left turn light was getting ready to be green, I pulled into the turning lane and met head on with a Bronco truck. He was turning left through stopped traffic. into the turn lane. Fortunatly we were all buckled up and in car seats. As the tow guy put it, ma'm, they will probably total you car. YES, it was all snarled and smashed in. I was one of those wrecks where people slow down and guak! Anyway, my wonderful friend came and got my children and took them home. Ron was just two blocks away and was there as soon as I called. I am so thankful that no one was injured, God was watching over us! Thank you God!
Well today is Friday and it can only go up, except now instead of christmas shopping, I will spend the morning talking to my nice (I mean this) insurance agent and setting up a rental!
As the story ends, I guess I won't move to Austraila after all!
Wow. . .you HAVE had one of those weeks! I'm glad you and the kids are okay though! Just think - hopefully things can only look up from here!! Take care!
Just Me. . ., At
12:18 PM
Bless your sweet heart! I'm praying right now that today will be filled with peace, joy and even a little laughter! May God receive glory through all the garbage of your week.
Kristi, At
1:49 PM
OOOH, (heartfelt sigh of sympathy) I do hope that things are going better now and all of the problems are out of the way. Was the crashed vehicle the same as the problem van?
I am very glad that no one was injured.
Carol, At
6:59 AM
Oh my goodness!!! Thank God you guys are all okay. One of my biggest fears is getting in a wreck with the kids in the car, esp when I'm alone w/ them!!!
(((hugs))) and hope you have a MUCH better week ahead! We'll be praying for you guys.
Sarah, At
7:42 AM
oh my word! i am so sorry. you'd better have a stress free rest of the year... wait... make that 2006, too, since this year is almost gone!
rebecca marie, At
12:03 PM
IT was pretty scary but you kept your head and thought about the boys. I was pretty scared but saw your courage and felt relieved.
Love you!
KMiV, At
2:42 PM
Thanks everyone!
We are doing finr and the insurance officially totaled the van.
Now we get to van shop this weekend!
Lori Ann, At
7:01 AM
I am SO SORRY for this bad week... Bless you Lori. I am so thankful you are all okay. Love, Cheryl
Cheryl, At
9:03 PM
Sooooo, is there a new van?
Carol, At
11:31 AM
Well, no posts for a while... I guess that means things are going well. Praise God everyone is well and safe.
Was this the van that was hit? Funny how God works to bless His people.
Johnathan M. Thomas, At
1:53 PM
wow! i totally would have cried! it sounds like you held it together well?
tabitha jane, At
3:23 PM
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