A gal and 4 guys

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Chocolate chip cookies and other thoughts...

Nathan, my ever so surprising 13 yo, is baking made from scratch chocolate chip cookies, boy do they smell good. He said that they were for his dad,(Ron's favorite cookie) but I hope that there are some left tonight. I thought it was nice the way that Nathan wanted to take some to our two widow ladies in the neighborhood and also wanted to share some with the youth group tonight. I am glad to see that he isn't always thinking of himself.
We are on our 1 1/2 weeks of Spring break. Parent conferences this week followed by next weeks break. I am glad that we are going to see family in Missouri next week. We could use the break.
I really like American Idol this season, I think Chris will go all the way, what do you think? Any other die hard fans out there? It is one show that we all can watch as a family, even Hunter likes to snuggle and watch, until he falls asleep.
Happy Spring Break!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

This has been

the fastest year yet for me as a mom. Today is Caleb's first birthday and it just seems like a blur. He has went from little bitty baby(6#) to a crawling climbing machine in no time. I have had a blast watching him grow and interact with his big brothers. I am so happy that you are a member of our family and the happiness that you bring us everyday. Happy Birthday Caleb!