This has been
the fastest year yet for me as a mom. Today is Caleb's first birthday and it just seems like a blur. He has went from little bitty baby(6#) to a crawling climbing machine in no time. I have had a blast watching him grow and interact with his big brothers. I am so happy that you are a member of our family and the happiness that you bring us everyday. Happy Birthday Caleb!
He is a cutie,
I just finished feeding a bottle to him so he could go back to sleep. I will put up his new picture today!
You have to admit babe, we can make them cute can't we!!
By Lori Ann, At 4:48 AM
That last one was me. Its early and I logged in as you. Since we live in Oregon I didn't want people to know.
Love, Ron
By Lori Ann, At 4:54 AM
Last time--that was really me.
Love, Ron
By KMiV, At 4:55 AM
Happy Birthday, Caleb! I can't believe it! I bet you're blessing your parent's socks off.
By Sarah, At 11:41 AM
What a sweet little bundle! Happy birthday Caleb. I hope the next year is equally blessed.
By Carol, At 3:57 PM
He looks like a doll. I had to look closely to see that he wasn't. Adorable.
By Darlene Schacht, At 9:17 PM
Fun, fun! Seems like just last year I was telling Ron about our third baby and he bragged that we hadn't out done you. Oh wait, that was just last year.
By J. Kevin Parker, At 4:18 PM
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